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Is the RAADS-R Test Accurate?

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The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R) is a self-report questionnaire designed to help clinicians diagnose autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adults. It's often used by individuals who suspect they may be autistic and want to explore the possibility further. But how accurate is the RAADS-R test, and can you rely on it for self-diagnosis?

What is the RAADS-R Test?

The RAADS-R is a modified version of the original RAADS test, which assessed autism in individuals through 78 questions related to symptomatology1. The test questions were designed to distinguish individuals with autism from neurotypical peers by testing social relatedness, sensory-motor function, and language1. Later, the RAADS test was updated to the RAADS-R, which presents 80 questions, assessing personal interests and clarifying the original questions1.

Like the original, the RAADS-R is a self-reporting questionnaire established to identify adults with autism who may have gone undetected due to their presentation1. It exists to be administered by a qualified clinician in a clinical setting, not for self-diagnosis1. A clinical presence also helps participants interpret questions they may not understand1. One of the unique aspects of the RAADS-R test is that it's for adults, unlike other autism assessments that only test children1.

The RAADS-R consists of 80 statements that assess developmental symptoms related to ASD, aligning with the three diagnostic categories outlined in the DSM-5: 2

  • Language

  • Social Relatedness

  • Sensory-Motor

It also includes a fourth subscale:

  • Circumscribed Interests

Each statement has four response choices, allowing individuals to rate their agreement. The test is designed for adults aged 18 or over with average or above-average intelligence levels (often this means an IQ score of above 80)3.

The Four Subscales of the RAADS-R

The RAADS-R assesses various domains and subscales related to autism4. These subscales provide a more detailed look at specific areas of autistic traits and behaviors: 5

The Four Subscales of the RAADS-R


Threshold score

Maximum score

Total score






Social relatedness






Circumscribed interests



In a validation study, researchers analyzed the sensitivity and specificity of these subscales: 6



Sensitivity %

Specificity %

Accuracy %

Social construct





Circumscribed interest





Sensory motor










Total score





While the overall score is considered more accurate than any of the subscale scores alone, the subscales are still informative if you're curious about where your stronger or weaker areas are7.

How is the RAADS-R Scored?

To obtain a score from the RAADS-R, the responses to each item are summed2. The total score ranges from 0 to 240, with a higher score indicating a greater likelihood of behaviors and symptoms consistent with autism2. A score of 65 or higher on the RAADS-R test indicates a likelihood of being autistic2. In research studies, no neurotypical individuals scored above 64, making a score of 65 or above a significant indicator of autism2. On the other hand, a score below 65 suggests a likelihood of not being autistic2.

Here's a general interpretation of different RAADS-R test scores: 1

Score Range



Does not meet the criteria for ASD


May possess autism traits but not likely to have autism


May possess autism traits but not likely to have autism


Indicates the presence of autism


Strong indication of the autism spectrum, although neurotypical individuals can also yield high scores


Typical autism score indicating autism is present


Demonstrates solid evidence for an autism diagnosis

It's important to note that these are general interpretations, and a formal diagnosis should only be made by a qualified professional.

How Accurate is the RAADS-R Test?

Several studies have evaluated the accuracy of the RAADS-R test. The test authors describe it as "a highly specific (100%) and sensitive (97%) instrument that is useful as an adjunct clinical diagnostic tool." 8 As a refresher, sensitivity refers to the test's ability to correctly identify autistic adults, and specificity refers to its ability to correctly identify neurotypical individuals8.

According to a validation study, the RAADS-R test shows a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of 100%2. This means that the test accurately detects ASD in 97% of individuals who have the condition and correctly identifies 100% of individuals who do not have ASD2. These high sensitivity and specificity values contribute to the reliability of the RAADS-R test as a diagnostic tool2. The test-retest reliability of the RAADS-R is also high (0.987), indicating consistent results over time2.

The RAADS-R Test has also demonstrated high concurrent validity, particularly with the Social Responsiveness Scale-Adult (SRS-A), which is widely used in assessing autism spectrum disorders9. In a validation study, the RAADS-R Test showed a concurrent validity of 96% when compared to the SRS-A9. This high level of agreement between the RAADS-R Test and the SRS-A indicates that the RAADS-R Test effectively measures autism-related characteristics9.

Interestingly, studies have shown that individuals with a clinical diagnosis of autism and those who self-identify as autistic responded to RAADS-R survey items in a very similar way10. There were also few psychometric differences between diagnosed and self-identifying autistic individuals on the RAADS-R, but a distinction between diagnosed individuals and those exploring autistic identification12. Four items representing the consequences of adverse sensory experiences and the hidden rulebook of social interaction were most informative for differentiating autistic individuals from neurotypical12.

However, some research has not been as positive. One study found that when used as a self-report screening tool, the RAADS-R was unable to discriminate between autistic and allistic individuals13. Another study found that the RAADS-R had poor predictive validity14. These discrepancies could be due to several factors, including the individual's self-awareness, the clinician's experience, and the presence of comorbid conditions1.

It's important to note that the accuracy of the RAADS-R test can be influenced by several factors, including:

  • The individual's self-awareness: Self-perception significantly influences how individuals respond to the RAADS-R test. Participants may have varying levels of awareness regarding their behaviors and symptoms, which can affect their answers15.

  • The clinician's experience: The clinician's experience and the individual's self-perception can influence the outcomes15.

  • Comorbid conditions: Other criticisms of the RAADs-R test include variables like inappropriate referrals or comorbid conditions, which can influence findings1.

Signs of Autism in Adults According to RAADS-R

The RAADS-R test helps clinicians gather comprehensive information about an individual's experiences and challenges, allowing for a more accurate diagnosis2. It assesses various domains related to autism spectrum traits, including: 4

  • Social Relatedness: This domain explores difficulties in social interaction, such as understanding social cues, engaging in reciprocal conversations, and forming and maintaining relationships.

  • Language: This domain assesses language development and use, including difficulties with nonverbal communication, understanding figurative language, and engaging in conversations.

  • Sensory-Motor: This domain examines sensory sensitivities and motor coordination challenges, such as oversensitivity to sounds or textures, difficulty with fine motor skills, and clumsiness.

  • Circumscribed Interests: This domain explores the presence of intense and focused interests, often in specific topics or activities, which may be unusual or restricted.

Limitations of the RAADS-R Test

While the RAADS-R test can be a helpful tool, it's important to be aware of its limitations:

  • Self-reporting bias: As a self-report questionnaire, the RAADS-R relies on the individual's interpretation of their own experiences and behaviors. This can introduce bias and lead to inaccurate results4.

  • Limited scope: While the RAADS-R covers a wide range of autism-related traits, it may not capture the full spectrum of autistic experiences4.

  • Not for children: The RAADS-R is designed for adults and may not be appropriate for children15.

  • Misinterpretation of questions: Some test questions may be difficult to understand, leading to confusion or misinterpretation1.

  • Moderate accuracy in clinical settings: The RAADS test has only shown moderate accuracy in clinical settings16.

  • False positives: It has also been shown to require further academic study due to its likelihood of returning a false positive16.

The creators of the test emphasize that the RAADS-R is not intended to be administered outside of a clinical setting (such as online or by mail)7. This is because a clinical presence is crucial for accurate interpretation and administration of the test7.

Alternative Tests for Autism Spectrum Disorder

In addition to the RAADS-R, several other tests can be used to screen for or diagnose ASD in adults. Some of these include:

  • Autism Quotient (AQ): The AQ is a 50-item questionnaire that assesses social skills, communication abilities, and repetitive or restrictive behaviors17. It is a self-report measure designed to identify autistic traits in adults.

  • Empathy Quotient (EQ): The EQ is a self-report measure of empathy that assesses an individual's ability to understand and share the emotions of others17. It is often used in research to study empathy in autistic individuals.

  • Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire (CAT-Q): The CAT-Q was developed to help detect autism in adults who may have learned to mask their autistic traits17. It assesses an individual's ability to camouflage autistic traits, which can often go undetected by traditional diagnostic tools.

  • Aspie Quiz: The Aspie Quiz is a series of questions about social and communication skills17. It is an informal online test that can provide insights into potential autistic traits.

  • The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, Second Edition (ADOS®-2): The ADOS®-2 is considered by many to be the "gold standard" for autism assessments18. It is a semi-structured assessment that involves observing an individual's social and communication behaviors.

  • Autism Diagnostic Interview–Revised (ADI®-R): The ADI®-R is a parent interview tool that is almost always included in the diagnostic process19. It gathers information about an individual's developmental history and current behaviors.


The RAADS-R test can be a helpful tool for individuals who suspect they may be autistic. However, it's important to remember that it's not a definitive diagnostic tool and should not be used for self-diagnosis. The RAADS-R has shown high sensitivity and specificity in some studies, but other research suggests it may have limitations in its ability to accurately differentiate between autistic and non-autistic individuals.

While the RAADS-R can provide valuable insights and assist in self-understanding, it's crucial to seek a professional assessment from a qualified clinician9. They can administer the RAADS-R and other tests, conduct a comprehensive evaluation, and provide an accurate diagnosis. The clinician's diagnosis should take precedence over the RAADS-R diagnostic assignment, as symptoms may only be fully revealed during an interview4.

It's important to consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of self-assessment using the RAADS-R9. While it can be a useful starting point for exploring the possibility of autism, it's essential to remember that self-diagnosis can be inaccurate and may lead to unnecessary anxiety or delays in seeking professional help.

Ultimately, the RAADS-R test is best used as part of a comprehensive diagnostic process that includes a thorough clinical evaluation by a qualified professional.


1. RAADS-R Test: Understanding the Test for Better Results,  https://abacentersfl.com/blog/raads-r-test/

2. RAADS-R Test: Shedding Light on Autism Spectrum Disorder | Rising Above ABA,  https://www.risingaboveaba.com/autism-blog/raads-r-test

3. What To Know About The RAADS-R Test For Autism - Augmentive,  https://augmentive.io/blog/raads-r-test-autism

4. Uncovering Autistic Tendencies: The Power of the Raads-R Test,  https://www.yellowbusaba.com/post/raads-r-test

5. RAADS–R | Embrace Autism,  https://embrace-autism.com/raads-r/

6. The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R): A Scale to Assist the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults: An International Validation Study - PMC,  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3134766/

7. Taking the RAADS-R Test - Musings of an Aspie,  https://musingsofanaspie.com/2012/12/11/taking-the-raads-r-test/

8. This is Everything You Need to Know about the RAADS-R Autism Test - Neurospark Health,  https://www.neurosparkhealth.com/blog/this-is-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-raads-r-autism-test

9. RAADS-R Test for Autism - Ambitions ABA Therapy,  https://www.ambitionsaba.com/resources/raads-r-test

10. Psychometric exploration of the RAADS-R with autistic adults: Implications for research and clinical practice - PubMed,  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38305196/

11. Study shows that RAADS-R, a popular self-DX is accurate at determining if someone is autistic. : r/autism - Reddit,  https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/1ajj72h/study_shows_that_raadsr_a_popular_selfdx_is/

12. Psychometric exploration of the RAADS-R with autistic adults: Implications for research and clinical practice | Request PDF - ResearchGate,  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377930045_Psychometric_exploration_of_the_RAADS-R_with_autistic_adults_Implications_for_research_and_clinical_practice

13. The Effectiveness of RAADS-R as a Screening Tool for Adult ASD Populations,  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354562549_The_Effectiveness_of_RAADS-R_as_a_Screening_Tool_for_Adult_ASD_Populations

14. The Effectiveness of RAADS-R as a Screening Tool for Adult ASD Populations - PMC,  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8452438/

15. How the RAADS-R Test Helps Parents of Children with Autism,  https://www.mastermindbehavior.com/post/raads-r-test?83be1371_page=5

16. Ritvo Autism and Asperger Diagnostic Scale - Wikipedia,  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritvo_Autism_and_Asperger_Diagnostic_Scale

17. Best Online Autism Tests - Thrive Autism Coaching,  https://www.thriveautismcoaching.com/post/best-online-autism-tests

18. How Do I Choose the Best Autism Assessment for My Client? - WPS, https://www.wpspublish.com/blog/how-to-choose-the-best-autism-assessment-for-clients

19. The ADI-R and Other Tests Used to Make an Autism Diagnosis - Verywell Health,  https://www.verywellhealth.com/adi-r-test-use-in-autism-diagnosis-260241

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