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what is the average score on the raads-r test

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The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R) is a self-report questionnaire designed to help identify autistic traits in adults1. It is based on the ICD-10 and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder1. The test consists of 80 statements that cover various aspects of autism, including social interaction, communication, and repetitive behaviors2. The RAADS-R is intended for use with individuals aged 16 and above2.

Understanding the RAADS-R Test and Average Scores

How is the RAADS-R Scored?

Each question on the RAADS-R is scored on a Likert scale, with response options ranging from "Definitely Agree" to "Definitely Disagree." 2 Sixty-four of the questions are designed to identify "symptomatic behaviors" and are scored on a 4-point scale that considers developmental factors1. The remaining sixteen questions are "non-symptomatic" and are scored in reverse order1. The points assigned to each response are then summed to produce an overall score2. The total score can range from 0 to 240, with higher scores indicating a greater likelihood of autism-related traits2. The test utilizes two different scoring methods: paper-based and automated3.

What Does the RAADS-R Measure?

The RAADS-R assesses developmental symptoms that correlate with the three diagnostic categories outlined in the DSM-5:

  • Language

  • Social relatedness

  • Sensory-motor 4

It also includes a fourth subscale:

  • Circumscribed interests 4

These measure different aspects of autism. For example, the language subscale may include questions about difficulties with understanding sarcasm or metaphors, while the social relatedness subscale might ask about challenges with making eye contact or understanding social cues. The sensory-motor subscale assesses sensitivities to sensory input, such as loud noises or bright lights, and the circumscribed interests subscale explores the presence of intense, specific interests4. These subscales help to evaluate various aspects of autism, such as social interaction problems, communication challenges, repetitive behaviors, and sensory sensitivity5.

Average Scores on the RAADS-R

The average score on the RAADS-R test can vary depending on the population being studied. Here's what the research suggests:

General Population

One study found that the average score for neurotypical adults was 25.956. Another study of 50 patients awaiting autism assessment found a median score of 1467. However, it's important to note that 98% of these patients scored above the diagnostic threshold of 657.

Individuals with Autism

Research indicates that the average RAADS-R score for individuals with an autism and Asperger's diagnosis is 133.818. The average score for individuals diagnosed with autism alone was 138.468. When broken down by gender, the average score for males with ASD is slightly lower than for females with ASD (149.2 vs. 160.1)9.

Here's a table summarizing the average scores from Embrace-Autism.com: 10

| Total score | Language | Social relatedness | Sensory/ motor | Circumscr. interests | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | Autism threshold values | 65.0 | 4.0 | 31.0 | 16.0 | 15.0 | | Autistic males | 148.6 | 11.9 | 71.3 | 36.7 | 28.7 | | Autistic females | 160.4 | 12.8 | 73.5 | 43.1 | 31.0 |

It's important to highlight that the RAADS-R test has demonstrated high sensitivity (97%) and specificity (100%) in accurately identifying autistic traits11. This means that the test is very good at correctly identifying individuals with autism, while also accurately identifying those who do not have autism. These cutoff scores help ensure that the test accurately identifies both people who have autism and those who don't.

Clinical Significance of Different Scores

A score of 65 or higher on the RAADS-R is generally considered indicative of autism4. However, it's crucial to understand that the RAADS-R is not a diagnostic tool on its own4. A high score suggests the presence of autistic traits and should be followed up with a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified professional for an official diagnosis4. The RAADS-R is best used in conjunction with clinical expertise and other assessment procedures to establish a diagnosis8.

Here's a table interpreting different score ranges: 3

Score Range



Does not meet the criteria for ASD. This score suggests that an individual is unlikely to have autism.


May possess some autistic traits but not likely to have autism. This score may indicate some mild autistic tendencies, but it is not sufficient for a diagnosis.


Minimum score to identify autism. Individuals scoring at or above this threshold may have autism, but further evaluation is necessary.


Strong indication of autism, although neurotypical individuals can also yield high scores. This score suggests a high likelihood of autism, but it is important to consider other factors and conduct a thorough assessment.


Typical autism score, indicating autism is present. This score is common among individuals diagnosed with autism.


Demonstrates solid evidence for an autism diagnosis. This score strongly suggests the presence of autism.


The maximum score, indicating autism. This is the highest possible score on the RAADS-R and indicates a significant presence of autistic traits.

Limitations and Interpretation of the RAADS-R Test

While the RAADS-R is a valuable tool for identifying potential autistic traits in adults, it's important to be aware of its limitations. The test relies on self-reported information, which can be subject to biases and individual perceptions13. For example, someone might underestimate or overestimate the severity of their social difficulties or sensory sensitivities, leading to an inaccurate score.

Additionally, the interpretation of the RAADS-R results can be subjective and influenced by factors such as the clinician's experience and the individual's understanding of the questions3. It's crucial to remember that the RAADS-R is not a standalone diagnostic tool and should be used in conjunction with other assessments and professional evaluation7.


The RAADS-R is a helpful screening tool for identifying autistic traits in adults. It provides a structured way to assess a wide range of behaviors and experiences associated with autism, and the average scores can offer insights into the potential presence of autistic traits. However, it's essential to remember that the RAADS-R is not a definitive diagnostic instrument. The test has limitations, including the potential for self-reporting bias and the subjective nature of interpretation. Therefore, if you have concerns about autism, it's crucial to seek a professional assessment from a qualified healthcare provider. A comprehensive evaluation, including clinical interviews, observations, and potentially other assessments, is necessary to arrive at an accurate diagnosis and develop an appropriate plan for support and intervention.


1. This is Everything You Need to Know about the RAADS-R Autism Test - Neurospark Health, , https://www.neurosparkhealth.com/blog/this-is-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-raads-r-autism-test

2. RAADS-R Test Results - ABA Therapy for Autism, , https://www.abtaba.com/blog/raads-r-test-results

3. RAADS-R Test: Understanding the Test for Better Results - ABA Centers of Florida, , https://abacentersfl.com/blog/raads-r-test/

4. RAADS-R Test: Shedding Light on Autism Spectrum Disorder | Rising Above ABA, , https://www.risingaboveaba.com/autism-blog/raads-r-test

5. Understanding the RAADS-R Test for Autism: A Comprehensive Guide - AutismCOE, , https://autismcoe.com/blog/autism-tests/understanding-the-raads-r-test-for-autism/

6. The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R): A Scale to Assist the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults: An International Validation Study - PMC, , https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3134766/

7. The Effectiveness of RAADS-R as a Screening Tool for Adult ASD Populations - PMC, , https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8452438/

8. Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale – Revised (RAADS-R) - NovoPsych, , https://novopsych.com.au/assessments/diagnosis/ritvo-autism-asperger-diagnostic-scale-revised-raads-r/

9. What did you score on the RAADS-R? : r/aspergers - Reddit, , https://www.reddit.com/r/aspergers/comments/r0disb/what_did_you_score_on_the_raadsr/

10. RAADS–R | Embrace Autism, , https://embrace-autism.com/raads-r/

11. Uncovering Autistic Tendencies: The Power of the Raads-R Test, , https://www.yellowbusaba.com/post/raads-r-test

12. RAADS-R Autism Testing | Questions - Answers | ABA Centers of ..., , https://www.abacenters.com/raads-r-test-for-autism/

13. How the RAADS-R Test Helps Parents of Children with Autism, , https://www.mastermindbehavior.com/post/raads-r-test?83be1371_page=5

14. Ritvo Autism and Asperger Diagnostic Scale - Wikipedia, , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritvo_Autism_and_Asperger_Diagnostic_Scale

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