What Should You Do If You Score High on the RAADS-R Test? Professional Guidance
If you've recently taken the RAADS-R (Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised) test and received a high score, you might be wondering about your next steps. This guide provides professional recommendations to help you navigate your journey forward.

Understanding Your High RAADS-R Score
A high score on the RAADS-R test (65 or above) suggests the presence of significant autism traits. According to research published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, scores typically indicate:
65-130: Significant autistic traits present
131-160: Strong indication of autism
161-190: Very strong indication of autism
191-240: Extremely strong indication of autism
Recommended Next Steps
1. Seek Professional Evaluation
Schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider experienced in adult autism assessment
Consider reaching out to autism specialists at recognized institutions like Yale Child Study Center or UCLA Center for Autism Research and Treatment
Prepare documentation of your RAADS-R results and any other relevant assessments
2. Document Your Experiences
Keep a diary of situations where you notice autism-related traits
Note specific challenges in:
Social interactions
Sensory experiences
Daily routines and activities
3. Consider Additional Assessments
Take other validated autism screening tools
Common complementary tests include:
Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ)
CAT-Q (Camouflaging Autistic Traits Questionnaire)
Aspie Quiz
Support Resources
Immediate Support Options
Join online autism communities
Connect with autism advocacy organizations
Explore local support groups
Consider counseling or therapy services
Professional Resources
Find autism-specialized healthcare providers
Explore occupational therapy options
Consider speech and language therapy if needed
Look into sensory integration support
Important Considerations
The RAADS-R test is a screening tool, not a diagnostic instrument
Only qualified healthcare professionals can provide an official diagnosis
A high score doesn't automatically confirm autism
Each person's experience with autism is unique
When to Seek Immediate Professional Help
Consider prioritizing professional evaluation if you:
Experience significant daily life challenges
Feel overwhelmed by sensory input
Have difficulty maintaining relationships or employment
Experience co-occurring mental health concerns
Long-term Planning
If you receive an autism diagnosis, consider:
Workplace accommodations
Educational support if applicable
Social skills development programs
Sensory management strategies
Self-advocacy skills development
A high RAADS-R score is an important first step in understanding yourself better. While it may feel overwhelming, remember that many resources and professionals are available to support you. Take your time to process the information and make informed decisions about your next steps.
Note: This article provides general guidance and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with qualified healthcare providers for personal medical decisions.
Ritvo et al. (2011). The Ritvo Autism Asperger Diagnostic Scale-Revised (RAADS-R). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.